Saturday, March 10, 2012

one month down, 98459847 to go!

Well we survived the first month. Some of my friends with kids are always saying time just 'flies by' and 'before you know it you'll be celebrating her first birthday and wondering where the time went!' HA! This has been a long month that I remember every single sleepless  moment of and I can't wait until she gets older!! It's been hard to admit but I am coming to terms with the fact that I'm just not a 'baby person.' I never was, never have been, and apparently never will be. I was greatly disappointed that I didn't feel that immediate swooning baby-love that new moms are supposed to have, but apparently it's not uncommon for some moms to take a bit longer to get in the mommy groove. I'm trying to accept the fact that this is a trying stressful time that is a huge adjustment, and everyone promises it gets better as she gets older. I try to remember that it's ok to just get by one day at a time, and somewhere down the road we'll get into some type of routine and it will get easier and I will enjoy it more. I try to remember that 'this too shall pass' and I can't wait until she's a fun, talkative bubbly-personality 3 year old that we can take to the zoo and the park and do pictures with Santa and birthday parties. Can't wait to teach her to ride a bike. Can't wait to do christmas morning with toys and presents. Can't wait to pack her backpack for her first day of school. Can't wait to see her first dance recital. Can't wait to watch her play with Winnie and see him run happily towards her. Can't wait to do the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny. Can't wait to see her little personality unfold.

Till then I'll just have to take it one day at a time and keep counting down and moving forward. And engage in a little retail therapy every now and then.

happy one month birthday Caroline! 


  1. Happy one month to my sweet niece! Things will get better, I promise! Call if you need anything!

  2. She is too adorable, Elizabeth. You are doing great!

  3. Perhaps Caroline senses that you aren't a baby person which is why she has such a sweet disposition! She always seems to be smiling in your photos - that is such a blessing! Just take it easy... I too have to keep reminding myself that it's ok to just spend the day mimicking Liam's schedule: eat, play, sleep, repeat. :)

  4. Retail therapy indeed! Looks like you got that one down! You are doing great - hang in there! See, already a month down! ;P
