Thursday, March 1, 2012

the miracle of formula

I believe we have finally solved her eating problem....MANY THANKS to Nana for her suggestion!! For the first two weeks it seemed like Caroline was spitting up and even vomiting a lot, and she was fussy for hours at a time. She kicked her legs and fussed and it seemed like she was in pain. The doctor made a couple recommendations but it seemed like she wasn't really listening to me...she seemed to think it was normal, and i was not convinced. My mom was also not convinced, saying the baby was having entirely too many poopy diapers and not enough wet ones. The doctor said to supplement with formula, and we tried several variations...dry formula, ready-made formula, 2 different types. She was still having issues. Mom suggested we do an experiment: 24 hours of just formula, and 24 hours of just breastmilk. The 24 hours of formula were PERFECT...she did great, not much spitting up, and she pretty much slept through the night and we just had to wake her twice to feed her! HEAVEN! As soon as we switched to breastmilk she immediately spit up, or more like vomited. Problem solved. There's something in my milk that doesn't agree with her, and I'm not about to spend another 2 weeks trying to figure out what I'm eating that gets in my milk and upsets her stomach. So formula it is. We switched to formula cold turkey on Monday and the last 3 nights have been absolutely perfect!! She still gets a bit fussy during the day sometimes but I suspect that's due to gas and other normal issues. The fussy periods are not nearly as bad as they had been. And she's having LOTS more wet diapers than poopy diapers, so that's a good sign!!

She is such a good baby. I will be the first to admit she's about as good as they come. She doesn't really cry unless she's absolutely starving (which we learned the hard way after those first 2 weeks!) Changing her diaper, giving her a bath...none of those things bother her. And I do believe, to my absolute delight, that she has inherited her mother's champion sleeping genes! Bill is a notoriously bad sleeper...has trouble falling asleep, wakes up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. I could sleep my life away if you let me. Based on the way the last 3 nights have gone, I suspect that once she's 4 weeks old and we stop waking her to eat she might just sleep through the night! My mom said my younger brother was like this...sleeping through the night at a young age. Hope she follows in the Herrod tradition!

Other than that we're just getting through one day at a time. Bill goes back to work next week. I'm nervous about being alone with her all day, every day. I like having help!! But I guess it's gotta happen sometime!

Winnie is always a big help at bathtime!

the frohawk. the girl has a ton of hair!! she's even got a mullet in the back!

lots of quality snuggle time

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