Thursday, March 8, 2012


How I know my daughter is mine:

1. She has such a happy disposition, despite all her eating issues. My mom said I was the same way as a baby...just a peaceful content baby that didn't cry much.

2. Her second toe is longer than her big toe. Very distinct Elizabeth gene.

3. She loves bathtime, happily sits in her little tub and just looks around. I try to scoot her up higher in the sling so I can wash her hair and she wiggles her way down so that her body is mostly in the water. I'm convinced this is because I took so many baths while pregnant. It was our nightly ritual.

4. She loooves headrubs. Every time we rub her head she gives us such a big smile. Definitely her mama's girl.

5. She wants to be wrapped up tight and swaddled all the time. I think she inherited my cold-naturedness.  

How I know I'm officially a mom now:

1. I walked around for 30 minutes with one sock on before noticing it. Then it took another 30 minutes before I could put the baby down and go find the other sock. An entire hour of one freezing foot because I was busy with the baby. Unheard of!

2. I can eat an entire meal in 5 minutes, standing up, while also washing bottles.

3. I plan my wardrobe choices by how easy it is to wash off spit-up. Needless to say there's a lot of tshirt wearing going on.

4. I have to weigh the needs of one child (Winnie- i.e. needing to go for a walk) with the needs of another child (Caroline- i.e. napping) and make a hard decision. Then I feel guilty about whichever one I'm placing a priority on.

5. Going to the grocery store is considered a big exciting outing now. Leaving the house to run an errand, ALONE, for 15 minutes, is sometimes the highlight of my day.

And last but not least a few photos of what's been going on around here. Enjoy!

4 generations!

Aunt Maggie came to visit!
Uncle Grant is a natural with babies. Who knew??
Caroline and Mama, great-grandaughter and great-grandmother
Uncle Grant demonstrated the proper use of the baby sling.

Caroline sends birthday wishes to Mama!


  1. awww I love it! I love that you are learning so much about her. And the toes! My babies will come out with longer second toes, I just KNOW it! lol

  2. I think there is also no mistaking that this is Bill's little girl. She looks just like him... only tiny and dainty. What a precious doll. Can't wait to hold her!
