Monday, April 16, 2012

A few firsts, and a little lagniappe too

Caroline made her first plane trip last week. She and I went back to Baton Rouge for my great aunt's funeral, and since Bill was unable to come, we decided it would be easiest for us to fly instead of drive. I was pretty nervous about the would she do on the plane? Would she be an unbearable screamer like some of the kids I've seen on planes? How would I manage all our gear by myself? When we left for the airport Thursday morning I was hauling myself, the baby, the carseat, the stroller, an extra carseat base, the diaper bag, and one gigantic suitcase with all of our clothes. Traveling with an infant is a three-ring circus!! Other than the hassle of lugging all our gear, the trip went just fine. She took her bottle right during takeoff, and then just snoozed during the rest of the flight. When we landed she was her usual happy self.

good little traveler!

And of course she was delighted to see her Daddy when he met us at the baggage claim!

Hey Dad! So happy to see you!

 A few weekends ago she had her first swimming experience too. We went over to Kristen and Justin and Riley's house to hang out with the family for the day and everyone hopped in the pool for the first swim of the season. (Everyone except me of course...I don't get in until June. Entirely too cold for me!!) Riley has an abundance of swimsuits and she let Caroline borrow one to try out the pool for the first time! We suited her up and plopped her in her Daddy's lap to try it out. He was a bit nervous about it at first.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Not to fear though, she loved it! She loves bathtime so we figured she would enjoy the pool as well. We kept it short and sweet though because I was concerned about her delicate baby skin getting burned in the sun!

Good times in the pool!

Caroline also enjoyed getting to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa who were visiting for the weekend! Grandpa had his arms full with his girls!

Cousin Riley initiated the hand-holding for the picture! I think she's a well-trained picture poser!

And last but not least, a little round up of picture lagniappe. Enjoy!

Running errands with mom

Relaxing in the tub

One of the nine-million wardrobe changes of the day. Good thing this girl has lots of clothes because she practically wears them all on a daily basis!


  1. beautiful, beautiful girl. Good job on your first plane trip!

  2. Those were GREAT! I especially loved the picture of them grinning at eachother in the airport, that is so sweet!!
