Thursday, May 1, 2014


The aftermath of the Halloween cold. Found her passed
out asleep on the floor in my bathroom one morning.

Exxon Family Fun Day at the Houston Aquarium

The fish were a huge win in her book, but the
merry-go-round was a close second.

She of course ran through every fish exhibit screaming 'Nemo?! Nemo?!'
We searched fervently until we found him.

Her favorite activity at the gym: hiding in the lockers.

Preparing for the arctic blast about to hit Houston.
She has enough headgear to last the rest of her life. No child
of mine will ever be cold.

En route to Louisiana for Thanksgiving! A few dozen
viewings of Nemo and we arrived without any trouble.

Daddy took her to visit Mike since she is still obsessed
with all things LSU.

Our Thanksgiving chef was a little heavy-handed on the spices.

Good food, toasty fire, scouring the black Friday ads.
Perfect Thanksgiving!
Kohls at 10 pm Thanksgiving night. Yes we're crazy
but we got some great boots!!

In keeping with the religious aspect of the holiday season, Mama gave Caroline a manger set.
Caroline appropriately placed her Mike the Tiger inside the stable.

In keeping with the Santa aspect of the holiday seasaon, Nana gave her the Elf on the Shelf and explained
how the Elf (who's name I have now forgotten....) watches
and reports back to Santa every night. This should work at keeping her in line
for the next few years....
Christmas tree shopping with Uncle 'Tina!

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