Thursday, May 1, 2014

Halloween- tricks and treats

We made a quick weekend trip up to the Dallas Arboretum to check out their magnificent pumpkin village. Quite the impressive spectacle. Thousands and thousands of different types of pumpkins arranged in artistic displays. I had also wanted to check out the arboretum's brand-spankin-new $65 million children's adventure garden, but it was not to be. Caroline was coming down with a cold, and had not slept AT ALL the night before (staying in a hotel with a toddler in an unfamiliar crib was not my best idea....) so she was understandably cranky and we had to skip the children's garden. Maybe next year.

Halloween itself was much more successful. She loved her ladybug costume, and was quite adept at showing herself off in the pursuit of gaining candy. She happily ran from house to house collecting her treats. Being the mean mommy that I am, I only let her eat one or two pieces and then hid her bucket o goods in the closet, in a secret location unknown to Daddy. And then I slowly decimated her stash of candy piece by piece over the next month. 

Since I was consuming alarming amounts of candy it was imperative that I burn off all the extra calories with a vigorous workout routine. So I kicked it up a  notch at the gym and really started to get into yoga. Within a few months I was picking up some fairly advanced poses, which was a lot of fun.

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