Monday, January 7, 2013

2012- a year in review from a different perspective

A lot of my blogger friends have been writing cute little reviews of the year 2012...trips taken, milestones reached, memorable moments, etc. There's something cathartic about systematically reviewing each month of the previous year and reflecting on the events gone by. I suppose it helps give you perspective and a new frame of mind upon which to embrace the new year just begun. Yesterday while on my afternoon jog I was pondering the past year and I realized that the year 2012 for our family can be summarized as overcoming adversity. Trials and tribulations that were met head-on, sometimes gracefully, sometimes not. Defying the odds, bucking the norm, and coming out victorious in spite of adversity. 

Here's what the year 2012 by numbers looked like for us:

  • 49:        trips to the doctor's offices
  • 2:          trips to the ER
  • 280:      farthest miles traveled to visit a doctor
  • 4:           pediatricians consulted
  • 1:           allergist consulted
  • 6:           pediatric gastroenterologists consulted
  • 2:           pediatric ENT specialists consulted
  • 1:           nutritionist consulted
  • 650:      dollars spent on medicine (not covered by insurance)
  • 3,066:   dollars spent on Elecare formula (not covered by insurance)
  • 1,430:   dollars spent on co-pays
  • 1:           incorrect diagnosis of "colic"
  • 4:           medical tests/procedures performed
  • 2:           months out of 12 that were free of GI issues and problems
  • 28:        number of times I was told "she's fine" "she'll outgrow it" "nothing more we can do"  "this is normal"  
  • 387:      number of hours spent googling celiac, crohn's disease, inflamatory bowel disease, hirschprung's disease, eosophillic esophigitis, gastritis, gastroparesis, food protein-induced entercolitis syndrome, food intolerance, acid reflux, milk allergy, hiatal hernia
  • 1:          baby that I love more than anything on this planet and would never trade for the world despite all her medical issues

Caroline has champion fighter genes....I like to think that she got that from me. Her medical issues are far from being resolved, but in spite of the tumultuous roller coaster that she's endured, she has come out smiling. She has bucked the norm from day one of her life, and despite every reason to the contrary, she's been such a happy trooper through it all . 

Most babies with acid reflux are terrible sleepers, some not sleeping for more than 30 minutes or an hour stretch for months and months. Not Caroline. She was a fantastic sleeper from the beginning, which was our only saving grace through those rough first 3 months. 

Most babies with acid reflux gain weight poorly; very often they're diagnosed as 'failure to thrive.' Not Caroline. In spite of vomiting up to 35 times per day, she was able to gain weight at a steady rate by compensating through overeating. Get it girl.

Most babies with a milk protein intolerance will fare very well on a partially-hydrolyzed formula like Nutramigen. Not Caroline. Her sensitive little tummy regurgitated the Nutramigen just as bad as all the other formulas we tried. Her extremely delicate system required a hospital-grade, only-sold-online-not-available-in-stores medical food like Elecare. 

Most babies with the wide range of gastrointestinal problems she's had (including gas, bloating, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, night wakings, ear infections, choking/gagging, and the hernia) would be a walking disaster in terms of temperment. They have every reason in the world to be in a permanent bad mood with all the pain and discomfort they've endured. Not our sweet Caroline. Somehow she endures it all with a smile on her face and a contagious little laugh that delights absolutely everyone she encounters. 

So whatever 2013 has in store for us, I know we'll come out on top. I know we'll be alright. I know that our little family makes a pretty incredible team and we're ready to tackle the new year and come out victorious.


  1. God bless her precious heart!! She is so tough. Does that formula come in a gold plated canister? Totally worth it if that is what worked, though.
