Monday, June 4, 2012

One year ago

One year ago today our lives changed forever. Only 366 short days ago, we were living the carefree DINK lifestyle. (That's Dual Income No Kids.) Lengthy vacations, after-work happy hours, quick weekend getaways, and -gasp- even 15 minute showers were the norm. And then on June 4, I found out I was pregnant. What an amazing day that I will remember forever.

I found out in the morning and didn't tell Bill until after work, so I had all day to sit in a daze at my desk and let the news that we would be parents sink in. I stopped at the drugstore on the way home and bought a father's day card for Bill, his very first. When he got home I poured him a glass of wine (gotta get him all relaxed for this bombshell I'm about to drop) and asked a few casual questions, 'how was your day', etc. while my heart was racing and about to burst with the big news. I told him I had a surprise for him and gave him the card. Inside I had signed it with "I can't wait to meet you Daddy! Love, your baby (arriving February 2012)." I waited on pins and needles until he got to the good part. 

He exclaimed "You're pregnant?!" 

I said yes.

And then he uttered those 2 little words every woman dreams of hearing upon announcing that she is carrying new life inside her. 

"Holy S*%*!"

To say he looked like a deer in headlights is an understatement. I think he spent the next 10 minutes breathing into a brown paper bag. But then, a little while later after the blood returned to his face, the joy and excitement took over. We walked around with this huge enormous secret for several weeks, savoring the news all to ourselves like co-conspirators. Until we were about to bust and just had to tell our families and friends. 

And here we are, one year later, with a bubbly bouncy little girl who lights up our life every day with her big grin and silly antics. It's interesting to me that a lot of the initial fears and worries I had about parenthood have not come to pass. And things that never even crossed my mind, have. So I guess in the end it all balances out. Unbelievably challenging, yet unimaginably rewarding. We wouldn't trade it for the world. Love our sweet Petunia!


  1. Don't LIE - you know you had a few OH S*&T moments yourself!!! ;)

  2. Haha, she's gonna need a clean diaper after trying so hard!

  3. Everyone thinks she's pooping in that video but she's not! She's just blowing rasberries! She does it allll the time now! She just has to give it her absolute best effort, hence the red scrunchy face!

  4. She's beautiful! You need to stop by next time you're in BR so we can see her!
