Saturday, June 9, 2012

4 months old, and a shmorgasboard of fun

What a fun month this has been! She's really starting to become aware of herself and her surroundings, and it's been a joy to watch her interact with the world. 

She loves her weekly trips to the zoo with Daddy, and her favorite attraction is the fish in the aquarium (I guess because they're brightly colored and move slowly.) We discovered a channel on tv that only plays nature scenes, so Daddy recorded the tropical fish show for her. It's like having our own aquarium at home! I don't normally let her watch tv, but I'll make an exception for this. She loves it! She sits in her bumbo chair, absolutely mesmerized, cooing and kicking her feet. So cute.

one day when she's older we'll have to take her
snorkeling or scuba diving! 

She has also discovered her feet, and it's now her mission in life to remove every pair of socks placed upon them. (See the blurry feet in motion in her monthly photo?) She's also figured out that she can DO things with her feet, so kicking at the mosquito net on her stroller is also great fun.

Her mouth is her other favorite feature. She's blowing rasberries, playing with her tongue, smacking, and 'talking' quite a bit. She laughs all the time too, and sometimes I have no idea what she's laughing at! Something just cracks her up and she starts giggling. Apparently I'm pretty funny! (Sorry the videos wouldn't on the links to view them on youtube.)

tongue tied!

She loves storytime, and we read several books each day. Sometimes Winnie joins us, if the story involves interesting sound effects.  She even likes to chime in and read along with me sometimes.

attentive crowd at storytime

She's starting to enjoy her toys now. She grasps things and moves them around and tries very hard to shove everything in her mouth. 

Her head control is much better and she's happy to sit in her bumbo chair and just watch whatever we're doing. This weekend we're going to put her exersaucer together and see how she likes it. As much as she loves pushing off with her feet and legs, I think she'll get a kick out of it.

big girl sitting in her bumbo chair

She of course still loooooves bathtime, which I think will quickly translate into a love of swimming. We took another dip in the pool at Kristen and Justin's last weekend, and although she wasn't too keen at first (probably my fault for waking her up from her nap to come join us in the pool), she decided it was ok after a while. Her cousin Riley is taking swim lessons and becoming quite a little fish. Can't wait till next summer when Caroline will be swimming too!

Not so sure about taking the plunge...

decided it's pretty fun!

Happy 4 month birthday sweet Caroline!

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