Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Time for Butterbean to sprout!

I've had 2 doctor appointments in the last 2 days and the consensus is that it's time for Butterbean to meet the world! The ultrasound went very well; all the tests and indications showed that baby is doing fine. In fact, doing more than fine- they estimated about an 8 lb. baby, give or take a pound!! The ultrasound tech admitted that's a wide range but the later in pregnancy the ultrasound, the less accurate they are. Still, I was a bit alarmed- that's a hefty bit more baby than I was expecting!! Otherwise everything looked great. We got to see the baby moving and even breathing. And it has hair!! Somehow the technician could tell that the light shiny areas on the head were hairs! My sister was delighted to know I won't be delivering a baldy.

Even though everything looks fine, my doctor doesn't recommend going a week past my due date. And after hearing "8 pound baby" I am not too eager to let this little occupant get any bigger! So we decided to induce on Thursday morning. We'll probably check in around 7 am, and hopefully our new son or daughter will be here sometime in the afternoon. Keep those thoughts and prayers sweet husband is in full anxiety mode! I'M the one facing a tremendous physical challenge in the next 24 hours and somehow he's the one sprawled out on the couch taking deep breaths, moaning that he is unable to eat or sleep! HA!

Next post will be to introduce our new family member! Here we go!

sweet little face!

a full head of hair?!

little foot with 5 toes!


  1. I sure don't see hair in that picture; I'm glad the technician can tell! Maybe Bill needs to be repeating the "I can do this; I am ready for this" mantra along with you.

  2. Good luck!!! I cannot wait to get the news and meet the new addition!

  3. I can't wait to see pictures of the baby tomorrow! Had dinner with Ma-Ma tonight and she is just ecstatic to meet the new addition to our family! Good luck to you (and Bill), love y'all!
