Friday, May 2, 2014


What we did in December:

  • Decorated the tree. This was substantially easier than the previous Christmas since she could clearly comprehend when I told her 'No, dear, we don't climb the Christmas tree.' Bill was worried to death about her choking on the little plastic red holly berries, but again, a few simple instructions and she got the message. I thought for sure she would try to open the presents under the tree, but I don't think she has fully grasped the idea that there are toys and fun things underneath the wrapping. So I let her believe it was just a bunch of boring boxes piled under the tree. WIN.

She rearranged a few ornament placements, but otherwise
the tree remained entirely intact!

  • Visited Santa. Seeking the most convenient/least crowded option, we paid a visit to Santa at the gym. Yes that is the racquetball court in the left of the photo. Don't judge. I was thrilled to be knocking out 2 errands with one stop. We utilized the ladies changing room and slipped her into a cute outfit for a quick photo op. She didn't know quite what to make of the big guy, but decided he was ok once he handed her a sucker. Much to my dismay though Bill vetoed the idea of Gym Santa on our Christmas cards.

I'm sure Santa enjoyed the change of scenery...
who wouldn't prefer moms in spandex pants over the frenzied mall crowd?

  • Celebrated cousin Riley's 3rd birthday. The Little Gym was once again a bit hit and she had a blast with Riley and Carter. She was pretty good about listening to directions and joining in the group activities, but what she enjoyed most was the balance beam. My sister insists that Caroline is a born gymnast, and after seeing how much she enjoyed the party I am considering signing her up for some classes. Lord knows I am always looking for ways to burn off some of her abundant energy. 

  • Attempted to get a decent, non-Gym photo for the christmas card. Easier said than done. The Pug still detests Caroline with every bone in his canine body, as depicted in the photo below. Asking him to stand in close proximity to her was absolute torture, lest she be able to reach out and touch him. Caroline was quite cooperative for the photo shoot....Winnie, not so much. It's a sad sad day when your 2-year-old is better at following directions than your obedience-school-trained dog is.

Would it kill you to sit next to her, pug?

Caroline: "Merry Christmas!"
Winnie: "Bah humbug."

  •  Decorated christmas cookies with the aunts, uncles, and cousins. Since Bill and his siblings would all be in separate places for Christmas, we decided to do a gift exchange and christmas cookie decorating session the weekend prior. Aunt Kristen made a delicious assortment of sugar cookie and gingerbread goodies which were creatively decorated by the kids (under extremely close adult supervision, of course. Anyone who lets a 2 toddler loose with a squeeze tube of icing is asking for disaster...)

Decorated or not, the cookies found a nice home
in mom's belly.

  • Celebrated Christmas in Louisiana, one last time. With Caroline getting older and the logistics of transporting gifts and arranging Santa to visit out-of-state getting harder, I knew this would probably be the last time we made the long haul home for the holidays. So we did the frantic Baton Rouge/New Orleans/ Mandeville dash on Christmas day one last time. And yet somehow all I have to show for Christmas day is this one pic of Caroline opening one of her favorite presents, a sleeping bag from Nana. I have no idea where the rest of our Christmas pics are....perhaps still on the camera card of our good camera, which is currently sitting in a box somewhere in the basement.

The sole photo survivor of Christmas 2013. 

  • Attempted to convince Winnie we were not, in fact, planning on leaving him in Louisiana. He does this every year....he never believes me....

  • Visited the Global Wildlife Center, which was a big hit with Caroline. She loved being so close to all the animals and being able to feed them. While it's touted as a 'safari adventure', somehow I doubt the animals in Africa come stampeding over to the trucks in hot pursuit of readily-available food. No worries, though, we'll gladly take the faux safari tour if it means you can feed animals without worrying about losing a limb (or being the meal..)

Thursday, May 1, 2014


The aftermath of the Halloween cold. Found her passed
out asleep on the floor in my bathroom one morning.

Exxon Family Fun Day at the Houston Aquarium

The fish were a huge win in her book, but the
merry-go-round was a close second.

She of course ran through every fish exhibit screaming 'Nemo?! Nemo?!'
We searched fervently until we found him.

Her favorite activity at the gym: hiding in the lockers.

Preparing for the arctic blast about to hit Houston.
She has enough headgear to last the rest of her life. No child
of mine will ever be cold.

En route to Louisiana for Thanksgiving! A few dozen
viewings of Nemo and we arrived without any trouble.

Daddy took her to visit Mike since she is still obsessed
with all things LSU.

Our Thanksgiving chef was a little heavy-handed on the spices.

Good food, toasty fire, scouring the black Friday ads.
Perfect Thanksgiving!
Kohls at 10 pm Thanksgiving night. Yes we're crazy
but we got some great boots!!

In keeping with the religious aspect of the holiday season, Mama gave Caroline a manger set.
Caroline appropriately placed her Mike the Tiger inside the stable.

In keeping with the Santa aspect of the holiday seasaon, Nana gave her the Elf on the Shelf and explained
how the Elf (who's name I have now forgotten....) watches
and reports back to Santa every night. This should work at keeping her in line
for the next few years....
Christmas tree shopping with Uncle 'Tina!

Halloween- tricks and treats

We made a quick weekend trip up to the Dallas Arboretum to check out their magnificent pumpkin village. Quite the impressive spectacle. Thousands and thousands of different types of pumpkins arranged in artistic displays. I had also wanted to check out the arboretum's brand-spankin-new $65 million children's adventure garden, but it was not to be. Caroline was coming down with a cold, and had not slept AT ALL the night before (staying in a hotel with a toddler in an unfamiliar crib was not my best idea....) so she was understandably cranky and we had to skip the children's garden. Maybe next year.

Halloween itself was much more successful. She loved her ladybug costume, and was quite adept at showing herself off in the pursuit of gaining candy. She happily ran from house to house collecting her treats. Being the mean mommy that I am, I only let her eat one or two pieces and then hid her bucket o goods in the closet, in a secret location unknown to Daddy. And then I slowly decimated her stash of candy piece by piece over the next month. 

Since I was consuming alarming amounts of candy it was imperative that I burn off all the extra calories with a vigorous workout routine. So I kicked it up a  notch at the gym and really started to get into yoga. Within a few months I was picking up some fairly advanced poses, which was a lot of fun.