Friday, March 15, 2013

what we've been up to

It's been a long week over here. Caroline didn't have 'school' this week on account of spring break, and to top it off she got another ear infection. So she's been not feeling too hot and off her usual routine, but we've been trying to keep ourselves busy. Here's a photo tour of what we've been up to, in a nutshell.

playing with toys...and sharing nicely with Winnie



eating/playing with food

searching for treasure in the trashcan

playing on the playground

blogging (finally had it printed into a book!)

eating leaves on the playground

eating/wearing the food

bathing to remove the food

disinfecting bath toys after a poop-in-the-tub disaster due to eating too much food

playing at the children's museum

crowding winnie at his lookout spot



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