Monday, November 26, 2012

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving has long been my absolute favorite holiday, and this year we have even more reasons to be thankful. Caroline's issues have settled down for the time being. The vomiting, diarrhea, and diaper rash have ceased, and her appetite is back so she's been eating well. The ear infection is still hanging on though, and if it hasn't gone away by Wednesday (3 weeks with the ear infection) our pediatrician is referring us to an ear/nose/throat specialist. I am thankful there haven't been any more trips to the ER, and that her appetite is good, and that throughout all the trials and tribulations my sweet little baby has been such a good trooper.

Winnie had doggie dental surgery last week (what is it with dental problems in this household??) and he came through just fine, despite having 5 teeth pulled. He's taking 3 different pills each day and eating mushy dog food but he too is cooperating like a champ. I am thankful that there were no problems with the surgery and he is his usual napping, baby-avoiding self.

Bill is still working out the details with the car insurance company and hopes to be buying a new Altima within the next few weeks. I am so very thankful that he wasn't hurt in the accident, because I can't imagine trying to navigate our daily routines without his help!

And I'm so very thankful for the wonderful relaxing holiday weekend we spent enjoying food and family. I woke up Thursday morning feeling like a kid on Christmas, so excited for a day full of stuffing ourselves silly on good food! I made sure to go on a nice 4 mile run that morning so I had 'earned' the privilege to indulge in gluttony, and spent the entire run reflecting on all the little things I'm thankful for. It was a fantastic run and made the anticipation of the feast even better! 

We had Thanksgiving at Jeff and Kristen's house this year. Jeff did a great job with the turkey, although I couldn't begin to explain how it was cooked (something about infrared, not fried. Laser beams? I have no clue.) As usual there was a copious amount of food, including lobster bisque, laser-zapped turkey, honey ham, shrimp mirlitions, dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cheesey cauliflower, and rolls. And the best part was enjoying the leftovers for several days afterwards!! The gift that keeps on giving!

The spread took up the entire countertop!

I salivate just looking at these pics...

After stuffing ourselves on the feast we flopped on the floor and couch and teased Jeff mercilessly as he charred the apple pie with a nice smokey aroma. Luckily the smoke detectors did not go off and the pie tasted just fine, which is a good thing because my entire Thanksgiving's happiness rested on the fate of that pie. (I've been salivating in anticipation since last Thanksgiving.) We watched Caroline and her cousin Riley entertain themselves and pondered what sort of mischief they'll be getting in to together next year when they're both walking and talking up a storm. Sweet cousins.

The first of many many happy Thanksgivings together
Thursday night my mom and I made our usual holiday craft trip to Michael's and on a whim, decided to stop at Babies R Us to see about getting a walking toy for Caroline's Christmas. We pulled up 15 minutes prior to the store opening at 8 and my mom and I gasped at the length of the line. Holy holiday insanity. Luckily no one got trampled, injured, or tazed by police, and we were able to buy the item in pursuit, so I'd call that a successful initiation into the madness of holiday toy shopping.

Calm and orderly at Babies R Us.

Meanwhile, at Walmart....,AAAAQBxUMrk~,0PvcDEZHzy-ARvzSadmpH0dyfNemipBZ

Our shopping spree continued Friday, hitting up sales at Lowe's, Home Depot, another trip to Babies R Us (why can't they just put ALL things on sale for the entire weekend, instead of 'friday only' and 'saturday only' specials??) the Container Store, Staples, and Half Price Books. In my mother's eyes Black Friday is a national holiday unto itself, and the woman would literally shop for 12 hours straight if left to her own devices. By noon though I'm usually starving and needing a break, so thank goodness LSU always plays Arkansas in the afternoon and we must take a mandatory break! 

Nana's most excellent deal- the world's largest teddy bear!!

She'll get a lot of bewildered stares
driving back to Louisiana with this in
the passenger seat.

Aunty Em came over with her service dog Kline and Caroline was delighted to see him again. I think Kline was glad to have his portable kennel to retreat in to...otherwise Caroline would have 'loved' him all day long!!

We spent Saturday putting up Christmas decorations and watching college football and working on a craft project for Caroline. The Christmas tree looks decidedly different this year, with ornaments hung only waist-high and up, and tied to the stairway banister to prevent toppling. So far she hasn't tried to climb it....yet. 

Mom and I worked on creating some magnetic felt counting fish for Caroline, with a little magnet fishing pole to go 'fishing'. I think this will be a new tradition for us...I want to make sure that every year Caroline gets something home-made at Christmas. I sent the fish-in-progress home with Nana to finish...can't wait to see if Caroline enjoys them (or eats them)!

All in all, a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday that I will cherish throughout the year. Sometimes I wish we could just skip Christmas and have another Thanksgiving instead!!


  1. What a sweet picture of Caroline and Riley!

  2. I like the idea of making a gift every year! Might steal that idea. And so glad Caroline's health is improving!

  3. That is one big ole bear! Lots to be thankful for this year. =)

  4. I'm a new follower! I found your blog through Malorries at Happy Home =) I'm anxious to read more, your little girl is adorable =)
