Sunday, May 13, 2012

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day!

I had a lovely first mother's day, which included church, a picnic in the park, a trip to the zoo, and a manicure. Lots of quality time with my little family and a little indulgence to boot! What more could I ask for? Enjoy a few pics from our outings today!

picnic in Herman Park

We bravely (stupidly?) decided to attempt the zoo on Mother's Day. Apparently
half of Houston had the same idea.

Baby girl managed to stay awake for about half of the exhibits. She was
quite enthralled with the fish.

Losing interest in the tortoise. He was slow.

10 points if you can name this animal. I couldn't.

Who cares what it is? It's big! It moves!

Daddy explaining the intricate details of evolution, and how this
chimp may be her long-lost cousin.

Who cares? It's big! It moves!

Goats. Meh.
These have to be the most tame goats in the history of the world,
to put up with approximately 87234 kids brutally 'petting' them each day.

The goose kept trying to peck through the fence. I suspect he
wanted to eat her toes. Snack time!

For my mom. This little bunny was not part of an exhibit. Just a happy
little intruder in the butterfly garden!

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